Orange Crush

Take Advantage of This Little Tax Secret!

As a business owner or entrepreneur, you know how important it is to keep track of your expenses. One area that is often overlooked is the cost of small purchases that add up over time.

Thankfully, the IRS has a provision known as the Safe Harbor De Minimis Election that allows businesses to write off these small expenses without having to keep track of every single receipt.

In this blog post, we will discuss what the De Minimis Election is, how it works, and how your business can take advantage of it.

What is the Safe Harbor De Minimis Election?

The Safe Harbor De Minimis Election is a provision in the tax code that allows businesses to deduct the cost of small purchases that are expensed for financial accounting purposes but not for tax purposes. This includes items such as office supplies, small tools, and other miscellaneous items with a cost of $2,500 or less. This differs from the traditional tax method, which requires businesses to track and deduct every single purchase, no matter how small.

How Does it Work?

To take advantage of the Safe Harbor De Minimis Election, the business must have written accounting procedures in place that expense certain items below the $2,500 threshold. The business must also treat these purchases as expenses for financial accounting purposes and set a company-wide policy for how these purchases are expensed. Once this policy is in place, the business can write off the cost of these items on their tax return without having to keep track of every single receipt.

Why is it Important?

The Safe Harbor De Minimis Election is important because it allows businesses to save time and money on record-keeping and administrative expenses. Keeping track of every single receipt can be a time-consuming and costly process, especially for small businesses. The De Minimis Election makes it easier for businesses to stay compliant with tax laws while also minimizing the burdens of record-keeping.

How Can Your Business Take Advantage of It?

To take advantage of the Safe Harbor De Minimis Election, your business must have written accounting procedures in place that expense certain items below the $2,500 threshold. These procedures must be consistently applied and treated as expenses for financial accounting purposes. It is also recommended to set a company-wide policy for how these purchases are expensed. Once these policies are in place, the business can write off the cost of these items on their tax return without having to keep track of every single receipt.

The Safe Harbor De Minimis Election is an essential provision in the tax code that allows businesses to deduct the cost of small purchases without having to keep track of every single receipt.

By having written accounting procedures in place for these purchases, businesses can save time and money on record-keeping and administrative expenses. As a business owner or entrepreneur, taking advantage of the Safe Harbor De Minimis Election can help streamline your tax reporting, keeping your business compliant with tax laws while minimizing your record-keeping burdens.

Want help reducing your tax for your business without tedious account keeping or the hassle of endless paperwork?

Orange Crush Business Consulting can help!

Click the link and schedule a one-on-one call today with our team of experts to see how easy it is to reduce tax so you can do what you do best - building a better business.